Junior coaching and camps (085) 867 5860 Other queries (01) 2876505 admin@greystonesltc.ie

Final’s night Sat 4th March

The Over 35 club championships come to a close this Saturday (4th).  Should be a great night with matches starting from 6.30pm so why not come along, watch some quality tennis and enjoy some food and drink?!  Buffet from 8pm (free for anyone who played in any of...

Over 35 Club Championship

Click Here for Over 35's Draw Entry for the Over 35 championships has been extended to 1 Feb. There are a number of events (with partners allocated for all doubles aside from the combined age doubles) and it will start on 4 Feb with the finals on Sat 4 March. Details...

Wed & Sat Social Tennis

'Saturday Spinners & Wednesday Winners' - Social Tennis afternoons We are starting social tennis on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm and Saturday afternoons at 4.30pm from Saturday 14 January following on from the very successful and enjoyable '12 Games of Christmas'....

Turkey League Finals Night

Turkey League Finals Night

Saturday 3rd December Mulled Wine Reception @ 7.30 All members are welcome to attend. Club Draw for  €1000 & Attendance prize of  €200 BBQ "I promise no Turkey will be served" "Cheerful" Christmas Music and The BIG Fella will make a quick appearance...