Junior coaching and camps (085) 867 5860 Other queries (01) 2876505 admin@greystonesltc.ie

GLTC regularly has Mens and Ladies box leagues underway.  If you want to join the next box league session when it starts contact the captains:

Men: 087 050 1938 or menscaptain@greystonesltc.ie
Ladies: 087 050 1937 or ladiescaptain@greystonesltc.ie

What is the box league?

Box league gives members the opportunity for competitive tennis within the club and is a great way to meet new players at a similar skill level.

Match Scoring System:

All tennis box league matches take the form of a pro-set (ie first to 8 games, winning by 2) with a regular tie-break at 7-7. Games are full games.


Points are awarded as follows:
8/0 (winner gets 20 loser gets 4)
8/1 (winner gets 19 loser gets 5)
8/2 (winner gets 18 loser gets 6)
8/3 (winner gets 17 loser gets 7)
8/4 (winner gets 16 loser gets 8)
8/5 (winner gets 15 loser gets 9)
8/6 (winner gets 14 loser gets 10)
8/7 (winner gets 13 loser gets 11)

The winner must input the result on ClubManager as soon as possible after the match. Once you click submit, the score is entered. The points are re-calculated and positions updated.

At the end of each box cycle players move up (first position in table), down (bottom position in table) or remain unchanged based on their results. At the beginning of each new mini season players should see a different set of opponents.

How to find the groups, tables, and enter results:

The box leagues are managed by our court booking system – Club Manager365. You can access Club Manager 365 by logging into www.clubmanager365.com  directly or going through www.smartclubcloud.com and going to Club Manager via “bookings”. The login and password that you use to book courts are the same for both systems.See PlayersUserGuide for more information.
To find the Boxes in ClubManager:
1) Look for on “Box Leagues” at the top of the page – select “Results and Tables” from the drop down list.
2) Then go to Select Box League – Group – Ladies Singles Box League from drop down list.

Another handy way of accessing the box leagues is via the Club manager 365 App (CM365App). Click CM365MobileApp and follow instructions to download the App. Once logged in users will have the ability to view box leagues positions and tables and enter results for matches they’re involved in via the box league menu.