by Membership | Jun 5, 2020 | Feature banner, Junior News, News updates, Social Tennis
UPDATE 5 June 5 June – In response to the Government’s announcement re easing of restrictions, Tennis Ireland have issued the following update. Unfortunately not much change for Monday 8 June (except everyone in County Wicklow can travel to our club) and...
by Membership | May 16, 2020 | Feature banner, Junior News, News updates
Who can play tennis at Greystones LTC during phase 1? Only members – sorry no guests or family who are not Greystones LTC members for now. A member who (1) has booked a court online (2) has not been advised to self-isolate/cocoon, (2) has not been abroad within 14...
by Membership | May 16, 2020 | News updates
To access your smart card account you will need to log into Smart Club Cloud, which you can do here. Your username in is firstname.surname.xxxx (where xxxx is your membership number) eg john.smith.1234. Your membership number is on your smart card...
by Membership | May 12, 2020 | Feature banner, Junior News, News updates, Social Events
The Club will publish guidance on returning to play tennis for its members and have an online booking system in place, utilising the SMART system, in time for 18 May. Details to follow on or before Saturday 16 May. In the meantime Tennis Ireland has published their...
by Membership | Mar 24, 2020 | News updates
Tennis activities at the club are suspended with immediate effect following the updated advice from Tennis Ireland. Wishing all our members good health during this time. Stay safe. Updated Tennis Ireland Policy in relation to Covid 19 23rd March 2020 The Tennis...