Many thanks to all Patrons – the list of patrons will be updated on an ongoing basis – if you are a patron and do not see your name here please contact Ailish on 0872380265
A patron supporting the Junior Open is €20. Similarly patronage of the Senior Open is €20 or you can combine patronage of both events for €30. All patrons will have a chance to win two tickets to the French Open (twice if a patron of the junior and senior open and once if a patron of either the Junior/Senior Open). Find out more about being a patron.
Patrons of both the Junior and Senior Opens
- Catherine Allen
- Rona Barker
- Bomar Aromatheraphy
- Ailish Byrne
- Mary & Danny Byrne
- Nick Cahill
- Cardio Tennis – Michael Quinn & Therese Ryan
- Robyn Conway
- Anne Curran
- Jacqui Curran
- Felton McKnight Solicitors
- Cathal Fitzgerald
- Martin & Pamela Fitzgerald
- Niall & Marie Flynn
- Sheena Gogarty
- Ciaran & Maureen Hanrahan
- Susan & Jimmy Hayes
- Karsten Hokamp & Fiona Roche
- Fiona Keating
- Frank & Lynn Malone
- John McCarthy
- Eugene McCooey
- Marie McCooey
- Eithne McGarry
- Moira Moloney
- Robert Mowatt
- Mary McGarry Murphy & Kevin Murphy
- Paraphenalia – Susie Kenny
- Alan Perkins
- Dave Penny
- Damien Purcell
- Rory O’Connor
- Lucy & Tadhg O’Connell
- Keith & Lora O’Donnell
- Doreen & Brendan O’Reilly
- Wolfgang Schnittger
- Mercedes & Tom Shelly
- Jillian Tobin
- ValCatrazz Cattery
- Ed Wogan
- Karen Wood
- Conor & Rhona Woods
Patrons of Senior Open
- Bernie Duggan
- Eamon Flynn
- Emma O’Brien
- Caroline Walsh
- Frank & Ciara Marmion
Patrons of Junior Open
- Orla O’Shea
- Tom Hamilton