We are one of the hosting clubs for the DLTC summer league finals on Saturday 30 June. This means that there will be fantastic competitive tennis on in the club from approximately 9.30am – 5pm between clubs from all over Dublin with men and women vying for a coveted DLTC pennant.
This is a great honour for the club. Please note that all courts will be in use during this time and the clubhouse will be busy with visiting teams and supporters.
We will have a little tuc shop with sandwiches, cakes, snacks, teas and coffees for sale. The bar will also be open.
Susie Kenny will be working her magic in the kitchen feeding all the teams. Thanks in advance to the club volunteers helping out to ensure a successful day for everyone. If you’ve time an extra pair of hands and/or a freshly baked cake are always welcome. Please contact Ailish 0872380265 or Niall 0870516355 if you can help.
And of course all are welcome to come down and watch some great matches.