Junior coaching and camps (085) 867 5860 Other queries (01) 2876505 admin@greystonesltc.ie

July Newsletter

Members, we are going to be busy! The social committee, club manager, captains and even the Hon Sec are vying for your attention.

The club will be an absolute frenzy of activity over the next few weeks (that its easy ED)….
So Here We Go with dates for your diary…..

 13th July at 6.30pm: Wimbledon Celebration/Club Draws

Join us for a smashing good time at GLTC as we celebrate all things Wimbledon! Enjoy Pimms, strawberries & cream, and social tennis with your fellow club members.

Plus, don’t miss our special Wimbledon quiz hosted by our multi-talented quizmaster Mark Robinson.

Limited spaces available so grab your tickets now under Events in www.smartclubcloud.com .

There are also tickets available also for those who wish to join in without tennis. Please go to www.smartclubcloud.com  (Events Tab).

Super Wimbledon branded prizes for the best dressed and most knowledgeable on all things Wimbledon! This is a social doubles event so expect great games and lots of fun.

Pimms Cocktail Welcome @ 6.30pm. Tennis Tournament @ 7pm.

Not to be missed.

And if that’s note exciting enough, we will also be running the June and July club draws!!! Don’t forget to sign up…..

22 July at 8pm: EGM

There are developments regarding our dome which we need to discuss. Please attend and have your say as we move into the home straight (hopefully).

Notice of the AGM have been posted, so please read carefully.

 9th of August Mystery Event/Guest

Hot on the heels of the Goran event (sorry to mention again!) we will have another well-known face visiting us in GLTC for a really informative tennis evening.

Can you guess who is coming to GLTC?

Details to follow next week!

Saturday 31st of August Double Up BBQ Event, 

To celebrate the end of a wonderful season of Mixed League (now there’s optimism for you) and Club Social Doubles, we will host a BBQ event for everyone to get together and recap on the highs and lows on all the exciting matches over the summer.

Blaming your partners for losses is not encouraged in the interest of safety on the night.

Coming soon……

 Pickle Ball Taster – DATE TBC

Join our very own pickle ball pro Ben as he demos his pickle ball skills on the courts. Join in the fun and try your hand at pickle ball.

Ben Kasbeer and Laura Fitzgerald won in the open mixed doubles last year at the HEAD Open in Montpellier, France so who better to show us how it is done!

Bar will be open (Yippee) and we will have BASE pizza for afterwards!

Tickets & Prices to follow…

 Senior League: Senior league (over 35) takes place over the 5 Sundays in September/October.

The format is 3 sets of doubles on each team. We are taking registration for interest in playing senior league so we can determine the number of teams to enter.

Please see league selection criteria attached and make contact with your captains to register interest in the league. Emma (0870501937) Ultan (0870501938)

 Handy Tip to Get Connected! WhatsApp community: 

The club has a WhatsApp community with many groups for members to join and organise games in.

Have a look at the group description to see if the group and time suit you.

The WhatsApp community is also a primary communication for club announcements.