Junior coaching and camps (085) 867 5860 Other queries (01) 2876505 admin@greystonesltc.ie

Butler Cup 2015

Monday 15th  June 2015 – Monday Night Social Tennis, saw a new name on the Butler Cup.  After some very pleasant “friendly” Mixed Doubles the overall winner was announced. Congratulations Michael Relihan. Everybody who played received a small gift...

Tostal Cup

Congratulations to Billy Markham and Niamh Breslin, this year’s winners of the Tostal Cup.  Ian Anderson came a very close runner-up with there being three joint runners-up in the ladies between Emir Kavanagh, Rona Barker and Maureen Hanrahan.  The rain...

Exciting Fund Raising Event

Members, as you know our club boiler (aka Mabel Ni Boyle, pictured below) has bitten the dust. We will be arranging a unique fund raising event shortly to finance Mabel’s replacement. This will give you all an opportunity to take part in the longest game in club...