Were you born before 1982?
If the year of your birth is 1981 or before then the Over 35 Competition is for you!
How it works
It is a Graded Competition for Ladies / Men’s Doubles, graded and different age categories for men’s singles (over 35 and 45), Mixed Doubles & the Combined Ages (100 yrs +) for Doubles.
You get to choose your partner for the Mixed & Combined Ages Doubles and we’ll match you up with a partner for the Ladies & Men’s Doubles in the interests of making this the most even competition in the club’s calendar.
The competition runs from Tuesday 2 February with the finals night on Saturday 27 February from 5pm
Entries close on Wednesday 27 January.
Enter now
You can click here to enter online using tournament software and a paypal account or you can drop your entry and money into the club office with an Over 35’s Entry Form 2016.
Cost of entry
1 event – €10, 2 events €15 and 3 events €20.