Junior coaching and camps (085) 867 5860 Other queries (01) 2876505 admin@greystonesltc.ie

The Club AGM took place on the Sunday 26th March and was chaired by our outgoing Chairperson, Tanya Whitten and was attended by 36 people including Committee.

Through her own Chairperson review and the reports from other Officers (Club Manager, Captains and Treasurer) a full review of the activities and health of the Club was provided.

A new club trophy was presented on the night in recognition of an ‘outstanding contribution’ made by a Member outside of the committee.  This is will be a perpetual trophy and we are delighted to announce that the first recipient was made by Tanya to Mark Robinson for his continued organisation of Monday Night Social Tennis, his contribution on the Social Tennis committee and general assistance in the smooth running of the club, bar and social events which he unfailingly supports.

We would also like to thank the outgoing committee for their work and commitment during the year and delighted to advise that in 2023/24, we will have a strong level of consistency on committee as 9 of the 12 members went forward for re-election in some capacity. I would like to take this opportunity to specifically thank the 3 people (Ruth Adams, Matin Fitzgerald and Lisa Kelly) who doid not go forward this year for their work on the Committee last year and previous years where applicable.

Tanya stepped down from her role as Chairperson in 2022/23 but has stayed on the Committee as an ordinary member and the club is fortunate to continue to have her input. Having observed close up her commitment to the club over the last year, I can only say that we are indebted to her for providing her time vision and organisation to the committee/club and she will be one tough act to follow as Chair.  Thank you, Tanya.

I would also like to thank the following new Committee for going forward for election/re-election :

Club Secretary – Greg Kinasewitz

Mens Captain – Ultan Kelly

Ladies Captain – Eve Lynch

Junior Captain – Orla O’Shea

Treasurer – Amy Armstrong

Club Manager – Lesley Foley

Membership Secretary – Alison O’Riordan

Child Protection Officer – Mark Nutley

Ordinary Member – Michael Quinn

Ordinary Member – Tanya Whitten

Ordinary Member – Ted Bremer


Heber O’Farrell
Chairperson – GLTC