Ladies – list chick league 2019 groups – schedules and matches is now available. We have 10 groups – 9 groups of 8 players and 1 group of 12 players.
Each group needs a captain. The captain needs to get the gang going – start a whatsapp group to contact each other, collect a fiver and encourage the group to keep on schedule (but its not their job to arrange matches)! Make life easy on your group and volunteer.
- Member phone numbers are on in documents and for this league will be sent separately to the ladies general info group. If you want the list contact Ailish.
- Play each week. Aim to play your first match by Sunday 10 November and play one match a week thereafter to keep on schedule! If you can’t play a week then double up another week at a time to suit you.
- Agree a default time that suits most of the group – preferably off peak and PLEASE not everyone on a Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday at 8 – think early evening or a bit later or mornings or weekends – Saturday or Sunday afternoons. The entire group doesn’t all have to play at the same time every week – it is flexible once the group agrees.
- The captain collects €5 euros from each player – This money goes towards prizes for each group – so if the group doesn’t collect the money there won’t be a prize for that group!
- The schedule and score sheets will be put on the noticeboard so please fill in your score there.
- Try and keep on schedule – Rearranging matches is absolutely fine – and can be done by the 4 who are scheduled to play (it is not the captain’s job!!)
- You can get a sub in your own group or from other specified groups. The list is on the noticeboard but for the most part you should try and play the match as it will keep the group “clean” and it means you earn your own score. Again you arrange your own sub – its not the captains job.
- Prizes will be given out on the ladies Christmas party night Saturday 7 December.
- New subs can be added if they contact Ailish on 0872370265. Subs score for you so choose wisely!
- 2 full sets and if its 1 all in sets there is a championship tiebreak for the final set (played like a normal tiebreak but its first to 10 winning by 2 instead of 7).
- Points are received from sets – you can get 0, 1 or 2 points. Keep full scores as it could affect outcome if several people are on the same score. eg a score of 6/3 3/6 10/7 is 2/1 in sets. A score of 6/3 6/4 is 2/0.
- Subs earn points for the person they are playing for – not for themselves.
Any questions please contact Ailish 0872380265. Enjoy – its meant to be fun!